Friday, July 31, 2009

The Adventure so far ...

Julie's Journal:

Well, we pulled away from Rochester (finally!) about 12:30 pm last Friday, July 24. It was an intense combination of exhaustion and exhiliration! We really appreciate our friend Cheri Tucker finishing up the details and packing for us so we could get away in time to make it to Lake Forest (near Chicago) for dinner with our good friends, Posy and Jake Krehbiel. As we drove away, we passed Shea Hansen's house, Liz' good friend, and said good-bye to her and her family. Of course we had to say good-bye to the Mayo Clinic, and stopped briefly at the west entrance of the Mayo Building to hug Deb Rhodes, Ada Multari and Cindy Kermott good-bye! Then with the toot of our loud air horn, we were off!

We made our way to Lake Forest in time for a delicious dinner. Spending a few days with the Krehbiel's was the perfect way to begin our adventure, as you can see. Gary and I were married there 10 years ago next month, and their lovely garden home is simply idyllic. We were married in the White Garden (see right). This time BUSTER (our new name for our motor home) was parked nearby and we got organized and arranged for our trip, and rested up from all the work of getting out of town. On Monday evening we said good-bye to the Krehbiels

and drove BUSTER about 30 minutes south to Glenview where we pulled into Gary's son Alan and his wife Sue Kim's driveway. We had a great time with this as our home base. Gary, Liz and I had a great day at the Brookfield Zoo on Tuesday, July 28, where their Dinosaurs Alive exhibit was showing. On Wednesday, our dear friend Barbara Wold (3rd year law student daughter of Patty Simmons and Les Wold, now a summer intern at the Field Museum in Chicago) gave us a private tour. Our favorite exhibit was the Evolving Planet, and our favorite lunch was at the Planetarium with the out-of-this world view of downtown Chicago across the lake.

On Thursday, we had the privilege and fun of watching our grandson, Charlie, age 1 1/2 years, and he was simply an angel. We four made a pilgrimage to Downer's Grove, IL, where Gary grew up and were able to take a picture of Gary, Liz and Charlie at 4125 Main Street, the house Gary's mother and father raised their three boys in. We saw the brick wall Maxine built and gorgeous huge trees that have grown up around the property.

So by Thursday afternoon, July 30, we had completed nearly a week of our trip but had not actually stayed in BUSTER. So we pulled out about 4 o'clock and headed to our first real camping destination, the KOA in Coloma, Michigan, arranged by our friend Jim DeLapa. I have a number of patients, now friends, in the St. Joe area and they had planned a rendezvous. We settled into the KOA where they had a nice pool and trampoline for Liz, stocked up on a few groceries, and then spent the most enjoyable evening at the beautiful lakefront home of Jan and Herman Berghoff, joined by their daughter Carlyn and her family, Eva and Ron Kinney and Judy and Jim DeLapa. We had a delicious meal and enjoyed the unforgettable sunset over Lake Michigan.

This was followed by a SWEET tour of internationally acclaimed Bit 'o Swiss bakery at about 9 pm, just as they were getting started in the evening's baking activities. Thanks to Jim for arranging this.

Today we had a very low key day exploring Berrien Springs, the home of Andrews University where I was awarded a full-ride scholarship to pursue a Master's in English Literature, but decided to switch to pre-med when I got here in the fall of 1971, and so registered for chemistry, physics and biology. It all worked out.

In nearby St. Joseph, Michigan, they are displaying artistic safari animals on the streets similar to what we saw in downtown Chicago in the summer of 1999 (cows), and this summer with beautiful geese in beautiful downtown Rochester. Here is our Liz astride her lion.

We're off to the Petosky area tomorrow and Sleeping Bear Sand Dune National Park. It should be great. We'll be talking to ya'! We miss home, but our still very excited about our adventure, and getting the hang of living in BUSTER!

From time to time, hopefully pretty often, our daughter Liz will be writing here, and her contributions will be titled: Liz' Lines.

Liz's Lines Friday, July 31

Hi, right now I just finished breakfast at 7:3O MN time . Yesterday I had to babysit my nephew Charlie is 2 and he puked in the car.

My sister Polly is pregnant with twins. She is having them around November 1st which is exciting to me because that is Chloe's birthday. We are in a camp ground in Michigan. That is the end of liz line.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Adventure Begins .... (finally!)

Well, thanks to all of you who have been so patient waiting to hear when we are actually leaving and where we are going.

Our departure IS imminent ... and we have been steadily occupied with our departure preparations. Gary and I have our work responsiblities in good shape, and we feel good about that. Our health is also good and getting better. Julie underwent bilateral knee replacement surgery on June 11th; recuperation has been intense, but thankfully is slowly improving and I am now walking with only one crutch. Flexion and extension is on track, so I'm very happy that it looks like I'll be able to be a full participant in all the activities of our adventure.

We're pleased that all the logistical pieces have fallen into place: we've been able to arrange our work lives with coverage from our gracious colleagues; we have rented our house to a wonderful young couple who are expecting twins in October and need more room; we've even miraculously found a wonderful couple who are watching our dear Wheaten Terriers, Ginger and Pippi. Now we are steadily working to put our things in storage so our renters can move in ... this is slowed, of course, as Julie is a little less than 100%, but gaining everyday. Gary is so capable and energetic that he practically makes up deficit. All in all, we think we'll be ready to roll out ... with Chicago as our first destination .... on Thursday, July 23.

We actually feel we had the first part of our adventure a week ago. We traveled (without the motorhome) to Ely, Minnesota, where we had a wonderful visit with Jane and Dave Piepgras. They built a gorgeous log home about 4 years ago on White Iron Lake and this was our first visit. Julie was still convalescing and they provided very expert TLC. Liz, her friend Megan and Gary visited the International Wolf Center and really enjoyed it. They loved swimming in the lake, and our beautiful pontoon ride. It was a wonderful visit.

Then we travelled down beautiful route 1 from Ely to the North Shore of Lake Superior just above Two Harbours. It was a gorgeous drive. We had lunch at Grandma's in Duluth, and then made our way to our friends in Bayfield, Wisconsin, Patty and Arnie Carver. We were so lucky to overlap a bit with their two wonderful daughters -- Denise and Kristin -- and their children, as well as Clyde, their son Mark's boy. Liz and Megan had so much fun playing with the kids
and we had a beautiful cruise among the Apostle Islands. It was a great experience of the great states of Minnesota and Wisconsin.

On Sunday, July 19, we had a little "Hit the Road Drop-In" get together and were able to welcome many of our friends for a little snack and tour of the Winnebago Tour .... our home for the next 11 months. It was fun to share our excitement and receive the good wishes of our dear friends for League's Excellent Adventure.

So that brings us up to date .... Liz and I will be writing regularly now, and hope you'll enjoy following along.

'Bye for now!
