Friday, December 5, 2008

Our adventure begins

December 5, 2008. We are really getting excited about our "excellent adventure." Many of you, our friends and family, know that we are planning an extended odyssey in 2009-2010. For a number years, probably 9 or 10, Gary and I have dreamed of "taking off" and seeing the country. Once we had our Liz, now nearly 8 1/2 years old, the project seemed ideal to target for a 4th grader.

Our dream is to travel around the United States for the better part of a year and see all the wonderful, beautiful, inspirational, educational, fun things we can. We have acquired our adventure vehicle: a 2006 40 foot Winnebago Tour motor home. We will be pulling our Buick Enclave behind it, and plan to launch our adventure in mid-June, when school is out.

We think we will head northeast from Minnesota and start in the "upper left hand corner", in Maine, possibly Prince Edward Island, and slowly work our way down the eastern seaboard in the summer and fall of 2009. Our thought is to travel about 200 miles every 3-4 day. We would have a nice place to park, have planned our local itinerary, and use our car to explore around each stop. So far, this is the extent of our plan ... except we are starting to collect some information about home schooling. Are we smarter than a 4th grader?? We'll see!

But we set up this blog so anyone who is interested can keep track of us and our excellent adventure. We wish we could take all/many of you along with us. We do hope you will enjoy reading about what we believe will be a trip of a lifetime.
