We spent a wonderful 2+ weeks in California with Gary's daughter Polly, her husband Chris, their older children Casey and Sierra, and the new twins .... Jack and Justin from November 12th through Thanksgiving to December 2nd. They were born on the 3rd of November!
Liz and I flew out to San Diego from Atlanta on November 12th so she could have some time with Sierra, their 10 year old, before she had to return to Oregon where she lives most of the year with her mother and step-father. They had a wonderful time. I took the opportunity to do some intensive catching up (and shopping) in San Diego with my dear friend, Carolyn Madsen Hebbel and her family. Carolyn came to Glendale Academy, our grade school, in the 7th grade, and I snatched her up as my best friend. She is a beautiful, caring, wonderful person and we've stayed close friends for almost 50 years. We will both celebrate our 60th birthday within the next month or two and it just doesn't seem like we can be anywhere near that old. She and her husband Dick own and run a family business: Kearney Mesa Convalescent Hospital, and it is wonderful. I have seen it first hand, and even moreso at this visit, and they provide fabulous, individual, family-based care. I hope they will have a bed for me when I need it!!! Carolyn and I joke that we can be roommates again when we're 90 (we were college roommates!)
Her older son Brian was visiting from central California with his beautiful son, Aiden, and we all had a chance to go to lunch together with their extended family.
Her older son Brian was visiting from central California with his beautiful son, Aiden, and we all had a chance to go to lunch together with their extended family.
I also took the opportunity during these few days to contact my Glendale Academy friends who made the trip for lunch as well. Jesica Baker is an insurance executive in Los Angeles and lives right downtown LA. Sherry Weiler lives in Laguna Beach and has two grown children, and Janice Gibbons lives in San Diego and teaches special needs children. I have been great friends with Sherry and Janice since the 4th grade, and Jesica came to our school in 9th grade. Jesica and I both married later, and had some fun times traveling, etc. in our late 20's when we were single gals. I kept saying at lunch, "We can't be 60!!" (look at the picture .... we CAN'T be!), and Janice kept saying, "Why are you bringing that up so much!!!"

One day Carolyn and I were doing a little shopping, and as we circled the parking lot looking for a place to park, we saw this: a grandma (I don't think I'm being uncharitable) signing a petition from the Hawaiian-shirted guy saying she supported legalizing marijuana! I've been in Minnesota a long time! I couldn't believe it!

Liz had a great time as they have a number of very nice children in Polly and Chris' neighborhood. Liz had a particularly good time with Madison/Maddie, and they went to a couple of movies together, etc. Liz got a wonderful amount of "kid time!" See her below with Maddie.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving together; Chris' mother Sue Blanch joined us as well. But most of our days we spent watching Jack and Justin gain about TWO OUNCES A DAY, and see their sweet cheeks filling out, and a few wrinkles and folds develop in their long little legs. They still have the tendency to sleep in the day, and want to play (or whatever at night), but hopefully they will soon figure out that night is for sleeping. Polly has been able to successfully both nurse and bottle feed breast milk, so others get the fun of feeding the babies, too!
We did some Christmas shopping before we left, and then got on the plane on Wednesday, December 2nd, to return to Atlanta, and resume our trip. It felt a little unusual but nice to be just the three of us again, sitting in our three together seats on the Delta jet. We head back south to Orlando on the 3rd, to resume our Adventure.
But we had some great pictures and great memories of some of the first few days with Jack and Justin. We will cherish them.
Isn't Polly a gorgeous mom?? She's thrilled, and we are so thrilled for them!
Christmas is upon us!
Ho, ho, ho ....
Julie, Gary and Liz