Thursday, March 18, 2010

Grandpa Gary, Grandma Jules, and Auntie Lizzie

We all looked forward to getting back to Southern California, particularly to see those darling twins, Jack and Justin. Here they are smiling: first Jack, on the left, and then Justin, on the right.

MILEAGE: (finally)
Buster: from Fort Stockton, Texas to Murrieta:
2,764 miles
Total for trip: 14,273

Bella: from Fort Stockton, Texas to Murrieta:
3,113 miles
Total for trip: 16,538

TOTAL both vehicles for trip: 30,811

States: 37 (add California to previous list)

Tuesday, January 26 to Wednesday, February 17
We had left Buster parked in front of Derry's beautiful Desert Mountain home, but the development managers had told her that the motorhome should really be in her driveway, not on the street. They had called the evening of the 25th with that information, and it just struck Gary the wrong way and he awakened early on Tuesday unable to sleep. So he got up about 5, and drove Buster down to Scottsdale and waited for Liz and me. We met him about 8:00, connecting by cell phone, and had breakfast. We had a previously set up appointment with our financial advisor affiliated with Mercer Global Advisors whose headquarters is in Scottsdale. They specialize in advising dentists, and Gary has been with them for nearly 20 years. They reassured us that we are on track, and that we can reasonably afford to be doing this .... playing hookie this year! That was good news!

So we set off along Interstate 10, knowing the drive to Murrieta, California, (Polly and Chris' home) from Phoenix was about 6-7 hours. As we crossed into California I was really surprised at how strongly I felt that I had come home. I really thought that after living in Minnesota for over 30 years, that I would now think of it as home, and I do when I just think about it. But it was an emotional reaction when I came back into California with the motorhome ..... something like "now I'm back in my home state." And I have so many old and good friends from my youth and childhood that I have been able to catch up with, that my experience has really been a beautiful revisiting to very precious times and with very precious people.

Southern California and the southwest had just had a big storm, and the snow above the mountains in Palm Springs came down the mountain farther than I had even seen it. And, of course, one is always impressed by all those wind turbine machines near Palm Springs along Interstate 10.

We were thrilled to arrive in Murrieta about 3:30 in the afternoon, and see everybody. Everybody (Polly, Chris and Casey) were all home from school, and Alice (Polly's mom) had the twins well in hand. Alice's birthday was in just a few days (and she was leaving the next day), so Polly pulled out a wonderful bottle of almond champagne to celebrate her mom's birthday and our arrival. I think we even went out to one of Chris' basketball games he coaches, so it was a typical Jones evening.

The next day we sorted through Buster to keep what we would need for about three weeks while he went into the shop at Temecula RV. He had to go in for the body work from the scratches we got near Asheville and Jackson, MS, and also because the automatic locks on the storage compartments didn't work. But once we got him delivered, we started orienting to our baby care schedule.

Polly and Chris leave for work by about 6:15 a.m., so someone needs to be up by then in case the babies are awake and need something. But they have started sleeping later so often they don't need attention until 7 or so. Then they need a bottle by about 7:30, in order to stay on target for their noon bottles at 11:30 to 12:30. Polly is pumping and gives them bottles mixed with breast milk and formula, about 70:30. Then the babies play for an hour or so, on their play mats or in their swings, and about 10:00 we go on "the walk." There is a nice loop, over 3 miles long, up and down the hills in the Greer Ranch development, and almost always the babies sleep during this hour and a half. We get home between 11:30 and 12:00, and Polly gets home from her 3/4 time teaching by about then, even with time for a quickie gym work-out. She starts her first period so early that she can do this.
They have their noon bottles, and Gary has mastered feeding them both at the same time. "It's all about the bottle prop!" When Polly gets home, she kind of takes over, takes them upstairs to her bedroom and rests and plays with them, and it is a quiet time until Chris gets home at 2:30 and Casey at 3:15. Liz and I try to do school work before the walk and in the early afternoon before the neighborhood kids come home from school. Then there is often a sports (basketball this season) practice, and perhaps a game for Chris' team that the family all goes out to. Polly usually takes the twins: they seem to enjoy the activity of the people and the gym and the game. Everybody pitches in to help with dinner .... Polly is a really good planner and usually comes up with the ideas (half the battle in my book!).

It is a really easy and comfortable routine, and we really got to feel at home and part of the team. Polly and Chris have gotten the twins and the household on a great routine, and it is all running very smoothly.

Week-end return to Phoenix
You'll remember that there were big wedding plans going on at the Mayer household in Phoenix when we had been there the week-end before. Rachel, the oldest, was getting married to Ross Buettner on January 30. So Lizzie and I decided to make the run back over to the wedding. Gary stayed at Polly's as his son, Alan along with Alan's wife Sue and their little boy Charlie were coming out for the week arriving on Saturday.

Liz and I made good time, and returned to stay at Derry Shoemaker's home in Desert Mountain with her gracious hospitality extended to us one more time. The wedding was at sunset with Camelback Mountain in the background. It was lovely, and so fun to see all the Mayers having such a good time (and looking so fine!)

The night ended with a beautiful picture of the bride and groom dancing, and my beautiful daughter!

We had a great (read: uncomplicated and fast) drive back to Murrieta in time to spend some time with everyone: all the Jones' (except Sierra who you'll hear more about later) and the Alan League's ..... newly arrived from Chicago.

One big, happy family
As mentioned, Alan, Sue and Charlie had arrived at Polly and Chris' house on Saturday, the 30th. Alan is an orthopedic surgeon specializing in Feet, while Sue is an ENT specialist emphasizing pediatric care. Their adorable two year old, Charlie, plays. Their made the visit out to visit the new cousins .... Jack and Justin, and it was so fun to see all three of them together. One day we took them to the local picture parlor and had their pictures taken .... all three together, and one with Liz with the twins and Charlie. I hope I can scan one or two of these in for you to see. The cutest ones are with the cousins in their infant and toddler Northwest University T-shirts: 3 of the 4 parents are Wildcat alums!

We had some time in the hot tub and also on "the walk."

We all took turns doing dinner: Polly and Chris did a yummy salmon and pasta dish, I did a seafood stew with rice (I got the recipe from Anita Mayer ... thanks, Anita), and Alan and Sue did a cuban style beef with a garlicky-pesto sauce and some absolutely delicious Indian rice.

On Wednesday, Alan, Sue, Charlie, Lizzie and Gary went to Sea World, and I "solo-ed" in taking care of the twins. I had them alone from about 9 am to about 12:30 or so when Polly got home. It went fine ,,,, they really are so good.

We all had some fun with Charlie, and he had some fun watching Liz play TimesAttack, a times table drill game.

I went with Polly and the twins to one of Chris' team's basketball games on Friday night, February 5. I was talking to her about some of the struggles Liz and I are getting into about spending as much time as I think she needs on her school work. Polly suggested I just set out a certain amount of work each day, and if she finishes it before the three hour target, so much the better. It was a really good idea .... she is doing better as it must give her more of a sense of control over what she needs to do. Polly has lots of good ideas being the really great teacher she is .... maybe we should leave Lizzie here for the rest of the school year! Just kidding!

The next week fell away with our routine; I had a brief spell of intense left shoulder pain with the inability to lift or really move my arm. I theorized that it was a bursitis (probably from lifting baby car seats at an awkward angle), and with steroid self-treatment I was better in two or three days.

Valentine's Day was fun. Many of the neighborhood kids had expressed interest in seeing Buster in action, so we had a little party on Sunday afternoon. About 7 or 8 children came over around noon (along with some parents when we put Buster through his paces with the slides coming out, etc), and then we took off for a local park. We parked, put out the slides, served sub sandwiches, fruit, lemonade and cupcakes, and the kids played a while. It was fun.

Later in the day we saw the beautiful Jones' with their beautiful twins get all dressed up to go out.

On Monday, we started getting ready to take off again on Wednesday, February 17. But on Monday morning (President's Day holiday) we had the fun of watching Casey play in a really exciting championship basketball game for his team ..... they won at the final buzzer. Very fun!
Casey is #54, getting ready to receive a pass on the left, and standing with his Dad and the trophy after the game.

Well, that brings us up to February 17 ... and moving on to explore the Pacific coast. In the next post I want to share some great visits with folks from my California "Roots." Then we'll get back to the coastal wonders!

Stay tuned,

Julie, Gary and Liz

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