Friday, August 7, 2009

It's been a (cross out quiet) busy week in our roving home town!

Julie's Journal:
8 STATES SO FAR: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York

First, we are adding a new feature today: our cumulative mileage, both in the motorhome (Buster) and in our Buick Enclave, which is the car we are towing, which we love. Some back entries:

BUSTER total miles so far: 1403 miles
Rochester to Lake Forest: 350 miles
Lake Forest/Glenview to Riverside (near St. Joseph), Michigan: 133 miles
Riverside, Michigan to Frankfort, Michigan: 236 miles
Frankfort, MI to New Hudson, MI (outside Detroit): 234 miles
New Hudson, MI to Sandusky, Ohio to Austinburg near Akron, Ohio: 294 miles
Austinberg, Ohio to Niagara Falls: 156 miles

ENCLAVE total miles so far: 846 miles


We moved on from St. Joseph, Michigan last Sunday, August 2nd, and travelled further up the lakeshore of Lake, Michigan to Betsie River Campground near Frankfort, MI. But not before we had a brief morning visit with Eva and Ron Kinney. Eva and Ron are dear friends who have hosted and entertained us at their home and in Rochester, and they have made some beautiful additions to grounds of their home with plantars and a grand array of flowers. We loved seeing them. Ron is known for his positive attitude and fist-pumping "Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em ..." and we captured this iconic pose (with Liz) in his very grand TV room/den!

Betsie River/Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore
It took about 4 hours to travel from St. Joe to the Frankfort, MI, area. We made a short detour into the Grand Rapids are to visit a Costco and to stock up on some yummy frozen fish and chicken items for our dinner. Great produce, too, particularly the blueberries. Our spot at Betsie River was great, and they had a nice pool and it was great for bike riding, Liz met some nice girls and they had a great evening watching a Harry Potter movie at our campsite on the outdoor DVD player with microwave popcorn courtesy of Dad/Gary.

We wanted to head out to the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Seashore the next morning, but Liz got wind of a tubing opportunity so, as is the nature of this adventure, plans were changed and Gary and Liz did and hour tubing ride and had a lot of fun. Then we took off for Sleeping Bear. A beautiful Ojibwe legend of a mother bear and her two cubs swimming across Lake Michigan from Wisconsin to escape a fire. The cubs lagged and didn't make it to shore, but she remains sprawled as a dune still awaiting their arrival. The legend is the cubs formed North and South Manitou Islands just off the lakeshore. There is a 100+' dune you can climb (again not something for the 7 week post-op bilateral knee replacement patient!), but they scampered up and Liz had a blast rolling down this huge sand dune like a log. The coastal scenic drive was even more impressive with an overlook showing 400' sand dunes. (see picture). The scenic town of Glen Arbor and Glen Lake were very picturesque, as recommended by Eva Kinney.

Gary and Liz also had some fun clowning around at the overlook as you can see!

We enjoyed driving up along Grand Traverse Bay to Petosky. Eva had told Liz to look for Petosky Stones, a fossilized stone with spots we came to understand, but even rock hound Liz didn't have much luck!

Detroit: On Wednesday, August 5, we continued our journey "clockwise" around the country and ended southeast on this fabulous diagonal road, MI 115, from Frankfort, MI toward Saginaw. Our goal was to find a place to stay near, but not in, Detroit, and we settled on the little town of New Hudson, slightly northeast of Detroit. As we exited, we were directed onto Grand River Avenue .... Gary said, "I think that is the road where the Botsford Inn is located ..." The Botsford Inn was where Gary had his first wedding reception 45 years ago this month! Well the next day, as we headed toward Dearborn we decided to follow Grand River Road, and after we passed Farmington Road, saw The Old Botsford Village, which seemed to be in the same spot as the former Inn, and now seems to be a residential facility, perhaps for seniors.

On through town and south to Dearborn we went, to the impressive Henry Ford Museum and Deerfield Village. We certainly did not allow enough time to do this justice. We were watching the clock as we wanted to make sure we were in Port Huron, an hour or more to the north, that evening to meeting with my second cousin (see below). Our attention was diverted by the Imax presentation of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, part of which was also in 3D. That huge screen and sound system really made for an impressive show.
But we did finish in time to make it to Port Huron for our special meeting with Dr. Anthony Gholz. Tony was my father's second cousin (Tony's mother was an Abbott), and when we lived in Worthington (near Columbus), Ohio, from 1948 to 1958, our families spent a number of holidays together. But I haven't seen Tony since 1981, though he has been wonderful as sending newsy Christmas notes. He is 88 year old, and practiced pediatrics in Port Huron until the age of 71. For the last 12 years he has caringly and compassionately cared for his Helmi as she battles Alzheimer's. It appears they are doing very well with the help of part time in home caregivers. Tony and Helmi have 3 wonderful boys and numerous grandchildren (and greats, I think!) We were fortunate his son Jon was visiting from Cincinnati when we were. We had a wonderful evening of elucidation of old Abbott family tales, and it was nice to have those imprinted once again. It was great for Liz to hear. We had a wonderful time that special evening!

To Sandusky/Cedar Point, Friday, August 7: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CASEY JONES!

After we left the Detroit area we really just had one goal: Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio. Gary had told Liz that this was where some of the fastest and highest roller coasters in the world were, and is consistent with the 9 year old mind set: nothing else could be focused on until we got there.

We arrived late afternoon, and thought the lower-priced evening entry tickets at 5 pm would give 5 hours of riding fun, and way enough for the supervising parent (Gary once again!) In retrospect, we were really glad they went Friday evening, and most of Saturday was rainy and drizzly, and we think a number of rides may have been closed. Here is their report!
Gary and Liz arrived at Cedar Point about 5 pm and headed straight to the tallest and fastest ride called TOP THRILL DRAGSTER. Gary believes this ride accelerates to about 100 MPH and "goes straight up" 400 feet and then plunges, accelerates again and abruptly brakes. It all lasts about 25 seconds, but is so thrilling you have to wait about 90 minutes to ride it. Gary and Liz waited an extra 20 minutes so that they could experience the additional thrill of riding in the front seat. Unfortunately we have no pictures of this, as we worried for the survival of the camera!!

Liz: "At the beginning there are three rows of orange lights, which go .... orange, orange, orange, and then GREEN! And then you go!"
Next they went to the Coasters Drive-In restaurant, typical of the '5o's. They had cheeseburgers (unbelievable in my mind after the previous GI affecting experience!) and chocolate malts.

The next thrill ride was the tallest and fastest wooden roller coaster in the world, Mean Streak, which lasted "too long" in Gary's book. The ride was soo rough Gary's brain "was shaken." But Liz says: "It took me two times riding the wooden roller coaster before I felt the pain." Ahh, young connective tissue!

In addition they road the Power Tower, a 240 foot straight up and down tower ride. Liz rode some additional circular, rotating rides which Gary sat out to avoid nausea.
Liz concluded that she would like to come back and try to ride all 17 coasters plus all the other rides. They had a wonderful time, needless to say.

To Akron, Ohio, Saturday, August 9: Visit with Rose and Denny Kleidon
When we awoke on Saturday morning we weren't sure where we might head, but we knew the general direction was Cleveland. Gary asked, "How far is Akron from Cleveland?", and we found out it wasn't very far. So Gary gave Denny a call, and he and Rose graciously invited us to come ahead. Denny was Gary's classmate at Downer's Grove High School and was an usher in Gary's first wedding. Denny and Rose have lived in Akron for 40+ years, and were members of the faculty at the University of Akron, and for many years, and particularly since their academic retirements, have run a public relations, advertising and publishing business. Their son Kurt is now in the business with them.
We had a lovely drive down to Akron, largely staying off the interstate and running along Lake Erie including the town of Vermilion and see the lovely lakeside estates as we neared Cleveland. As we neared Akron, it was easy to find Rose and Denny's beautiful home and lakeside property in northwest Akron They hosted us to a lovely dinner at their club. We slept right in Buster in their circular driveway, and enjoyed a yummy breakfast before heading out this morning. Gary and Denny had a lot of fun reminiscing including about the time their quartet sang (sophomore year) for a Downer's assembly. They sang Chanson d'Amour, a '50s Everly Brothers hit, and I understand there was some swooning going on the gym! We had such a nice visit and thank them so much their gracious hospitality.

We also took a picture on their gorgeous back yard of our "angel" still in her American Girl (Elizabeth) nightgown. It's so deceiving! (see top photo!)

Today, Sunday, August 9, we drove in and out of the rain, over along Lake Erie to Erie, Pennsyvania, and then with the bad weather we made our way to the interstate (90, which is the same as goes right by home .... Rochester) and up to Niagara Falls. We'll see what this area has to offer tomorrow.

Thanks, everybody, for your interest. We still are having tiny bumps along the road, but it is thrilling to see ourselves making progress and really seeing the country. Bye for now!


The Eldest said...

Louise and Wilson want you to know that they are following your blog and enjoying it very much !

Ken said...

Just got your Christmas card! Love the blog; what an adventure you're having. Can't wait to see you...

-Ken III